Pro Coaching Service

your bespoke TRAINING and NUTRITION plans created by dan


pro coaching is for those looking for bespoke programming and accountability, without the need for video-calls.

With pro coaching your plans are designed entirely around you, with all consultations and accountability communications delivered remotely through email & instant messaging.

what to expect

Comprehensive online consultation process to assess current diet, training and your goals.

Tailored nutrition plans, calories, macros, recipes and unique barrier strategies.

In-app calorie tracking and photo food diary functionality [optional based on goal/preference.]

Bespoke training programme with video demos and digital tracking to monitor your progress.

Instant messaging with Dan to keep on top of any questions and queries.

Regular accountability check-ins and programme updates as you progress towards your goal.

get started today

£150 monthly

chat to dan

If you’d like some more info about the Pro Coaching Service you can arrange a quick discovery call or email chat with Dan.


  • 1 month. Your payments roll over each month and you can cancel any time.

  • You have on-going contact to Dan via 1-to-1 instant messaging in the app the same as in the 360 Coaching Service. The only difference is there are no video calls as part of the Pro-Coaching Service. With Pro-Coaching you have control over how much contact you need, whether that's using daily photo food diarying or just asking the occasional question;

  • Yes. Your training programme and nutrition plans can be changed and updated as often as necessary. This might mean adding some Holiday friendly bodyweight workouts, changing out exercises you're not enjoying or changing calorie targets based on a goal switch.

    More generally, your training programme will be updated every 8-12 weeks to ensure continued progress towards your goal.

  • Your training plans are entire bespoke to your goal, equipment and personal preferences. Dan hand builds your programme based on your answers in your online consultation but will further refine these as required once you've reviewed them.

    Nutrition plans are based around your goal, activity level, current physical stats and nutritional preferences.

  • The 360 Coaching Service includes all the same features as Pro Coaching but includes an initial video consultation and bi-weekly video call check ins.

    This is reflected in the lower price point of the Pro Coaching.

  • This depends entirely on the goal and your start point. 3-4 months tends to be a good timeframe for a short term transformation, for example to prepare for wedding. Though many clients stay on for several years as their goals continue to progress over time.

  • You can cancel anytime and no future payments will be taken.

  • Yes!

  • No - the app's functionality supports calorie tracking, photo food diaries, bodyweight monitoring and your own habit based nutrition interventions.

    The degree to which you use these features will vary based on your preference and goal as discussed with Dan.

want to add accountability video calls?

Check out 360 coaching